About why the ERROR 404 appeared?

Running a successful website means staying alert for errors like broken pages or slow performance. However, sometimes there are problems that you just cant avoid, and 404 errors are one of them. A 404 occurs when a user requests a page on your website that doesn't exist, thus throwing a 404 error page prompting users to return to the right place. No matter how many resources you put into ensuring your website never goes down ... there's always a chance that users could end up here. It's inconvenient, but a fact of life. And the reaction of visitors when they land on a nonexistent page can range from "taking it in stride" to "totally losing their minds." While there's nothing you can do about the latter, you can make things a little less of a pain by having a creative error 404 message. This can do wonders to make your website visitors crack a smile in an otherwise frustrating situation. To get your website design juices flowing, this post will showcase some of our favorite website error pages. Hopefully, you'll be able to take away a few ideas to snazz up your own 404 message.